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Henan Huayang Rope Net Co., Ltd.
Henan, China
Produk utama: Jaring ikan, jaring anti burung, tali pe, kandang jaring ikan, senar polietilen

Henan Huayang CO., LTD is a professional manufacturer and leading suppiler of fishing net and agriculture net since 1994.


We have 4 plants which are specialized in producing HDPE net, nylon/polyester net, HDPE agriculture net and keepnet. Products include HDPE/nylon/polyester monofilament, twines, ropes, fishing net, purse seine net, trawl net, fish cages, aquaculture traps, keepnets, insect net, bird net, shade net, and other platics nets for multiple applications.


With excellent products and quality service, our product has been exported to Southeastern Asia, Europe, North America and Middle East etc.welcome to visit our factory in the future. 

fish farming cage
HDPE fishing net
nylon fish net
hapa net
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